Hammer Teen Told Friend He Was Going to Kill His Parents - ABC News / U.S.Facebook•ESPN•ABC Hot Topics: Casey Anthony •Heat Dome•Space Shuttle Home Video News Politics Investigative Health Entertainment Money Tech Good Morning America WWYD? 20/20 This Week Nightline World News More News: Casey Anthony Jaycee Dugard Business Traveler Royal Wedding Cuomo on the Case Stocks Weather Sports from ESPN.com U.S. InternationalHome> U.S. Hammer Murder Suspect Told Pal He Would Kill Parents, Affidavit States Tyler Hadley, 17, has been accused of killing his mother and father with a hammer. (St. Lucie West Centennial High School)Auto Start: On | Off Share45 CommentsPrintSingle PageText Size- / +By CHRISTINA CARON (@cdcaron) July 20, 2011The teenager who allegedly used a claw hammer to bludgeon his parents to death twice confided in his best friend that he intended to kill them, but the friend dismissed the comments because the teen had made such threats before, according a police affidavit released today. The suspect also told a friend that he attacked his parents, Mary Jo and Blake Hadley, after taking a large dose of the drug ecstasy. Details of the double murder emerged as Tyler Hadley's attorney Mark Harllee filed a not guilty plea. Hadley is currently being held at the Port Lucie County jail in Florida. Hadley has confessed to killing his parents, police said. He then threw a boozy party for about 60 friends while the bodies of his parents laid in a locked bedroom. During the party, Hadley pulled his best friend Michael Mandell aside and told him that he killed his mother and father. The Police Affidavit on the Arrest of Tyler Hadley for the Hammer Murder of His Parents When Mandell didn't believe Hadley, "Tyler pointed out both his parent's vehicles were still in the driveway," according to the affidavit. St. Lucie West Centennial High School Tyler Hadley, 17, has been accused of killing... View Full Size St. Lucie West Centennial High School Tyler Hadley, 17, has been accused of killing his mother and father with a hammer. Teen Murdered Parents with Hammer, Had Party: Police Watch Video 12-Year-Old Held after Parents Murder Watch Video 10-Year-Old Admits to Killing His Mother Watch Video He wasn't convinced until Hadley took Mandell to the master bedroom where Mandell saw a man's leg and recognized Blake Hadley's shorts. Hadley told his friend, who he has known since they were 8, that "he stood behind his mother while she was at the computer and thought about killing her for about five minutes. Then he decided to strike his mother in the back of the head with a hammer." After the initial blows, Hadley said that his mother turned to him and asked, "Why?" Hadley's father came out of the bedroom when he heard his wife scream. "Tyler told MM [Mandell] that he and his father stared into each other's eyes for a minute. Tyler said he then went after his father and murdered him," the affidavit states. Mandell said Hadley took his parents' cell phones and put them in his bedroom so that they couldn't get to them and took one of their credit cards, so he would have access to their money. It took the teenager about three hours to mop up the blood, he allegedly told Mandell, before his friends arrived for the party. According to the affidavit Mandell told police Hadley was going to take 10 Percocet pills and kill himself, but the police showed up instead. It was Mandell who called police to alert them to the murders. When they arrived at the home they found Hadley glassy eyed and talkative. When the boy said they couldn't come in, the police entered anyway on the possibility that someone inside could be in danger. The officers found the parents' bodies in a locked bedroom beneath furniture that had been piled into there from other rooms in the house, the affidavit said. Mandell told television station WPTV that Hadley had taken three ecstasy pills and didn't believe his friend's confession until he saw the father's body. "After he told me I didn't believe him, because he's been my best friend forever I would never suspect anything like this," he told the station. Mandell's mother, Michele Mandell, told ABCNews.com that she had known Hadley for nearly a decade. Tyler Hadley, she said, was a "great kid." Dr. Julie Holland, an assistant professor of psychiatry at New York University who has studied ecstasy, said, "It is absolutely not known to cause violent reactions." The tablets Hadley allegedly took may have been sold as ecstasy, Holland said, but could have been anything. 1 | 2 Next Page More from ABC News Police: Teen Kills Parents With Hammer Hammer Teen Can't Get Death Penalty Mansion Hanging Wasn't Suicide, Sister Says Mansion Boy Dies After Woman Found Hanged Teen Murdered Parents with Hammer, Had Party: Police 12-Year-Old Held after Parents Murder More Video » EmailPrintShareComment & ContributeDo you have more information about this topic? If so, please click here to contact the editors of ABC News. View All Comments (45)succab 2:57 PM EDT Jul 21, 2011joehillneverdied succab: It was violent fools that took disciplining children way too far that led to the pendulum swinging the other way to where kids now can not be disciplined at all............Like I said and not sure why my comment was removed but let me say it again. People like you joehillneverdied is the reason we have kids Taking guns, knives and whatever else they can get their hands on to a fistfight. In my day, if we crossed, yelled was disrespectful to our mother, father, or any other adult we had to face the rath of my fathers, belt, switch, hand, or whatever he could get his hands on to spank our rears firmly until he thought we had learned our lesson. We were taught respect, manners, and all those things your kids of today dont have. We didnt take guns, knives, or any weapon to a fist fight like the kids parents raise today, why because our father would spank our rearends. We had the fear of god put in us at a very young age and never would have raised a hand let alone a hammer, we dont kill our babies when we are grown because we cant deal with them. Now days you parents coddle, spoil, ruin your children. It sickens me that no child gets disipline, they get a time out. OH WOW, or their cell phone taken aways or some type of limp slap on the hand that teaches them no disipline at all. Kids of today are spoiled , hateful, disrespectful,rotten kids because parents cant disipline them properly. So instead of thinking how to avoid the next woopin they sit around and think how to get rid of you so they wont have to sit in the corner. So effective. Kids kill kids, parents, grandparents, uncles, aunt, their own children all because you so called parents wont do the right thing. So do your child a favor and spank him when they need it. DONT BEAT THEM. Spank them and when they are a grown, respectful, functional, FREE citizen they will thank you. I will copy this so i can just paste it when you mark it as violation.joehillneverdied 2:48 PM EDT Jul 21, 2011ABC: You might as well delete my post below as it's a reply to another post that you have already deleted for unknown and quite mysterious reasons.joehillneverdied 2:23 PM EDT Jul 21, 2011succab: It was violent fools that took disciplining children way too far that led to the pendulum swinging the other way to where kids now can not be disciplined at all. Moderation. Respect. No parent should ever take a belt or a switch to a child and they aren't fit to be parents if they do. I attended a Catholic grammar school in the UK in the sixties where fierce beatings were the order of the day. I can assure you it didn't instil any respect for the abusers in to me. Quite the opposite. I bumped in to one of those so-called teachers ten years or so after leaving school. He never knew what hit him. And I grinned for a week.View All Comments (45) Watch Fridays on ABC Watch the Full Episode 20/20: Jaycee Dugard's Recovery Real 'Help': Maid, Child Reunited After 20 Years Kidnap Victim Jeannette Tamayo: How Did She Escape? 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